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I have choosen some articles from various places with the name of its author intact. The information given in each write-ups are found to be very helpful in my line of training and as a training provider. I sincerely hope, they would be of help to all of this blog visitors as well. Your kind comment is much appreciated and thank you so much for visiting... happy reading! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Allah's Creation for the Mankind

Allah has created mankind primarily so that they may know their creator through his creations. Realization of the supremacy of Allah, although necessary for success in the hereafter, has not been enforced on man - it is a test that is based on the fact that man has been given free will. Understanding the nature of Allah is essential as it has a substantial effect on a Muslim's duties to Allah.
The humble honeybee is an integral part of our ecosystem. Bees provide wholesome honey that nourishes our bodies and acts as a medicament for a slew of illnesses. A recent study in China proved that honey contains the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals and vital hormones to man than any other food on the face of the Earth.

The bee is also the hardest and most efficient worker in all of Allah's Creation. The bee does not even take a day off and is continuously producing honey, building amazing hexagonal hives or pollinating. Without the bee's pollination efforts all the different species of plants and trees would eventually die off. The food chain would come to a screeching and deadly halt. Without bees, vegetation cannot grow as fast or efficiently. And without vegetation for fodder, animals will die. There will be nothing left for humans to eat. Life, on this Earth, would end.

Water has been specially created to keep the human body alive. It reaches every point in the body, carries nutrients to all of its 100 trillion cells, and supplies them with oxygen and energy. Its viscosity level has been specially determined so that it can do all of these things. (harun yahya wallpapers
MashaAllah, Allah is the All-Knowing, the All-Forgiving…

Every day our taste cells come into contact with acidic foods that are hotter or colder than the body’s temperature. Hot tea, an ice-cold fruity juice, thick coffee, or bitter grapefruit juice all damage these cells to some extent. But, new cells mature in the taste buds to replace those that have completed their life’s work. Even if people are unaware of them, these processes occur so quickly that the taste cells we use at dinner are not those we use at breakfast. Who installed this renewal mechanism in your body? Have you reflected on this? (harun yahya wallpapers)

The main veins or midribs permit leaves to obtain the maximum benefit from solar rays by maintaining their rigidity. Other veins on the surface of the leaf act as a skeleton for its tissues. There is a plan and order in its design. This ain’t any sort of co-incident, but a conscious creation. (harun yahya wallpapers)

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